It's a good week for "Supernatural" fans. Friday is the Season 7 finale (9 p.m. ET), and the CW just announced that next season, the long-standing series will move from its Friday death slot to Wednesdays, behind the network's much-anticipated newcomer, "Arrow."
At The CW upfronts presentation in New York on Thursday, "Supernatural" star Jensen Ackles
teased the Season 7 finale, which will see the Winchester brothers
(Ackles' Dean and Jared Padalecki's Sam) attempt to take down the
Leviathans -- and Dick Roman -- for good.
"We will find Dean in a situation at the end of the season that he's never been in," Ackles told HuffPost TV.
"в конце сезона Дин попадет в ситуацию. в которой никогда еще не был" - сообщил Эклз HuffPost TV.
"Two of the fan favorites find themselves in a massive predicament,"
the actor added. "There's a big attempt to handle the Leviathan
situation once and for all. Whether that works or not is yet to be seen.
It definitely gives us somewhere to go in Season 8. There's a lot of
loose ends that could get tied up."
"Двое из любимчиков фанатов попадут в ну очень затруднительное положение"
-добавил актер. "Нас ждет попытка разобраться с ситуацией с левиафанами раз и
навсегда. Сработает это или нет, увидим.. Это определенно дает
нам что-то для 8 сезона. Остается много свободных линий,
которые можно будет связать вместе"
But, some things will remain untied, which is a difficult balance
Ackles said "Supernatural" has mastered. "That's a very delicate
process, but I think it's something that we've been able to accomplish
in the past and I have no doubt that we'll pull it off this time, as
well," the star said about resolving storylines and throwing in some
Но некоторые линии останутся незаконченными, и это очень
сложный баланс, который "сверхъестественное" нашло. "Это
очень деликатный процесс, но я думаю мы с этим справлялись
в прошлом и не сомневаюсь, что и в этот раз справимся не хуже"
сообщил актер о развязках и некоторых клиффхангерах в сюжетных линиях.
As for the series' new timeslot (Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET in the
fall), Ackles gave the passionate "Supernatural" audience all the
credit, and admitted that he thinks it will do the show good.
Что касается нового расписания сериала, (среда 9 вечера), Эклз
полностью доверился мнению фанатов сериала и согласился,
что это пойдет сериалу на пользу.
"It's a great pat on the back that they moved us out of Friday --
which, you know, we were doing fine, it's just a really tough time slot.
And a lot of times, it can be considered the night that shows go to
die. So not only did we not die, we survived and we grew and I think
that that's a big testament to the fans and how supportive they are and
how loud they can be about our show," Ackles said. "So now, we're moved
back to mid-week and we're paired with another comic in 'Arrow'
-- I think we really found our legs when we were paired with
'Smallville,' and even though 'Supernatural' wasn't originally a comic,
we now have a comic ... So the fact that we're going back and getting
paired with something of that genre, I think is only going to do good."
The Season 7 finale of "Supernatural" airs Friday, May 18 at 9
p.m. ET. "Supernatural" will return with Season 8 on Wednesdays at 9
p.m. ET in the fall.
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Как всегда расплывчато. Ни о чем..
Сработает это или нет, увидим.. Это определенно дает
нам что-то для 8 сезона
Небось замочат левиков, но не до конца.И весь 8 сезон будут добивать...
неа, в тизере к 8 сезону написано про "что-то новое, выползающее из тьмы." Наверное замочат либо сегодня, либо в первых сериях 8 сезона
Значит куда-то засунут, а оттуда еще че-то вылезет попутно