Пост про гишбот все прочли? Вот
этотkoryuu-kun.diary.ru/p179775190.htm Миша этим не ограничился, и у гишбота теперь есть аккаунт на тамблере, там появляются сообщения в бинарном коде
Вот он:
gishbot.tumblr.com/ Бинарный код в текст можно конвертировать
тутwww.roubaixinteractive.com/PlayGround/Binary_Co... Народ на тамблере в очередной раз паникует и вопит "у него есть тамблер, прячьте порно"!!! И один из таких постов он перепостил похоже
А, и если на гишботе вы таки ответите на вопросы, вам приходит "любовное" письмо от Миши, примерно вот такого содержания, только с вашими ответами:
От: Misha Collins
Dearest katia,
was sitting here at my desk with my batman doll in my lap, scrolling
through the new GISHWHES database when your email address popped out at
me. Is it really you, katia? Imagine how my heart skipped--I could
barely breathe.
My dear, sweet katia, I wish I was back in Russia
face to face with you right now, staring into your blue eyes, sniffing
your coton hair. The 7 months since I last glimpsed your eye through the
window of that police van have not been good to me. After you were
taken away, I have been living with my grandmother, who is constantly
this game and makes me sit with her and macrame and generally makes me
feel fun. Truthfully, my batman doll and my jensen ackles poster have
become my only friends. I should tell you that I can no longer play
skate because I got a splinter 5 years ago that got badly infected and I
had to stop. I rarely leave my room now.
One last thing, I need
to ask you to be discrete about our correspondence.
Please don't share the contents of this letter with anyone because
when you win GISHWHES this year (which I will make sure you do so that
we can spend one more delicious evening together), I just don't want to
raise suspicion or give anyone reason to say, "LOL."
P.S. When we see each other I want to make a batch of your borch and eat it out of the sink like we used to.
Отсюда мораль: Если Миша неделю не появляется на твиттере, ожидайте п*ца